Caroline Radford has worked with Caroline McMahon as the creators of the “Dynamic Sleep Connection” model. They assist health professionals learn more about baby sleep and how to work with the Dynamic Sleep Connection (DSC) model. Whilst Caroline M is no longer working with parents within the home setting she is still active in her support of professionals through the DSC model.

Caroline’s Angels also provides a range of online sleep solutions which enable parents around the world to benefit from their years of experience.
Over our years working with many wonderful families helping their children to sleep well, we have come to see that there are five main steps for healthy sleep.
As we move through each of these steps, it is important to consider them as principles. How you apply each principle to your baby is going to differ from one baby to another (even between siblings).
Each of these principles can be applied to all babies. However, it is how these principles are applied to each unique child that will differ.
You may find just by separating all feeds from your baby going to sleep as well as having the right sleep times for your baby that their sleep massively improves. You may feel that at that point you are happy with the way your baby’s sleep is and not need to alter too many other factors.
For other babies, they will need every single step attended to in great detail in order for their sleep to improve. As a family you may feel that you are putting in a lot of effort to improve things but with little reward.
As frustrating as this will most likely be for you, it is important to keep focused on meeting all of the recommendations to improve your child’s sleep.
Some families elect to get some support from us by way of a phone call, email support or an in home consult as we can support you through direct application of techniques and strategies.